- This simple virus when opened will bring up a Exclamation message box with the title "-W|tch-Doct0r-" and a message saying "I LOVE DLL'S".
- Simultaneously it will flood your desktop with dll files of 176KB and also the directory(s) "C:/Windows/" and "C:/Windows/System32/"
- It also disables Ctrl+Alt+Delete in windows XP but has no effect in windows 7.
- It does not effect any .exe files but heavily slows down the system, and occupies GB's of data in minutes!
- The virus builds no connection to the internet.

Stoping the virus :
The virus can be stopped by killing the process MXZ.exe from Task Manager.
A screenshot of my computer showing the effect of MXZ virus in 3 minutes
Note : The virus is compressed and password protected, so safe to download
The password for the MXZ Virus is "Ahspbk797ZvxUoh"